The problem of COVID-19 is very popular in today’s time and needs the attention of the people to be safe. The people use to stay at home to fight against this problem and should keep in mind the usage of masks and sanitizer when they meet new or other people that are living outside the homes.
The particles or the bacteria that are spreading this disease replicates in a multiplicative manner and is spreading like a wildfire among the people. This disease is very dangerous and is affecting the body a lot and destroys the immune system of the person leading to death. The primary or basic thing that the person faces after getting affected by this disease is breathing issues, which is very dangerous for people who have lung diseases or heart diseases.
There are many lists that are released by the World Health Organization and many other health-related organizations, which clearly depicts that to protect yourself you need to wear a covid mask. These masks are specially designed to fight against the bacteria of such disease but there is a shortage of this mask in the market and therefore, other types of masks are used by the people to protect them.
There are specially designed masks for this disease as they help in blocking the saliva entry into the mouth and nose of the other person. This is the reason why the affected person and the non-affected person is advised to stay away from each other so that the saliva of the affected person does not enter the body of the non-affected person increasing risk to his life.
This disease has no vaccine for it, is increasing day by day, and covered almost every country with a maximum no of people surrounded by it. The disease has some of the negative points in it and the cure to all those points is just protection and use of masks. The disease is spreading all over the world because of the touching and splitting of droplets and saliva on the mouth on the surface of the body.
If the affected person touches the surface and then an unaffected person touches it then the bacteria enters the body and then those hands are touched on the face without washing which directly allows the bacteria to the body affecting the immune system, lungs and heart too. If the person is affected by, any harmful disease then he faces many problems to fight against it.
To stop its effects on the body, the hands should be washed and while interacting or going out in the environment should use masks so that the harmful bacteria that are present in the atmosphere does not enter the body and affect the body’s system.
The disease is very serious and has caused many problems in the life of the people. These problems are increasing day by day leading to increased death rates and the proper usage of masks can only help the people to fight against it.